Thursday, May 28, 2009

Streetwear...Ladies' style

Soooo, alright it's time for me to talk to the ladies for a sec. Maybe it's me or maybe it's vegas but, the street wear game isnt to strong among the girlies. It's time for a change... Street wear may sometimes be veiwed as a fellas dominated type of situation, yet there are alot of brands in the street wear divison that are aimed at the fairer sex. It's time for us to step the gear game up and show fellas that ladies can do it just as well. Yeah I know girls wanna be "sexy" or "girlie", but you can still do that and look FRESH as well. Brands like Dimepeice,Claw Money, M.T.T.M, P.Y.T,and Hellz Bellz have a way of combining girlie and street into a dope combo. There's also some male brands that have ushered in some ladies' gear like Free Gold Watch, Mishka,and T.I.T.S. Another thing, street wear is not just about the brands, but the way you put things together.(You'd be surprised what a trip to the thrift store can do). But it's all about thinking out of the bizzox and creating something FRESH and cool. But anyways, you can check out various brands on sites like, Vegas' own KNYEW boutique(,,,,among various others. But check it out ladies, let's get it right.(Im tired of seein'all this baby phat and house of dereon junk) lol Let's step it up gurlies!!!



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