I've been doing some research on the upcoming style, prints,and color trends for Fall of 2009. Some very interesting things are coming back in style. Some of which, to me, have been in street culture for some time now. I'm gonna give you the rundown of high fashion trends and show you the way it can be done more cost effiecent and street savvy-Enjoy.
For my Ladies'-
One big Fall trend is playing up the waist. Waistlines or belting (as seen here in this derek lam peice), accentuate the waist and add shape. Also paying homage to classic, old school style. Luvs it!
You can do this look funky. As pictured above a cute tee and skirt can be accentuated by adding a cool belt at the waist...No more hip hugging stuff.
Disco is back! I never thought I'd see the day, but the sequince trend will be making it's way back this fall in the form of dresses, shorts, and blouses.-Get ya shine on.
Here it is-street style. Sequined shorts complete this look without going too 70's.

Next fall trend-Velvet-for both men and women. Dresses, jackets, and suits. Like the Marc Jacobs peice above and the Dolce & Gabbanna line below, velvet is going to be making a comeback.
Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009
Here's a cute way to down-play this look a cute velvet peice, like this skirt, adds spice to an outfit without doing to much velvet in one peice and still kepping it street F.R.E.S.H
Guy style. Again, you can dress up a simple outfit by adding something like velvet blazer like this one.

High-high boots. No more need for pants anymore I guess :)
Gucci Fall 2009

Now these arent as high, but it's just an example of some that can be worn just as good.
Men (or boyfriend) jackets. This baggy look is one of my favs. weither, tailored or oversized this look can add a twist to an otherwise normal look.
Just Cavali Fall 2009
For instance, in this ensemble, a boyfriend jacket adds a funky twist to this short and shirt outfit.
So there you have it, just some of the trends the Fall '09 has to give. The trickle down theory has already taken affect on the streets and we will see more results on the streets in months to come. Also there's a cool and cost effiecent way of doing these trends for those who have a cristal taste on a beer budget.
In the end, it's all about doin' you. Bein F.R.E.S.H Bein You.
For more fashion goodness and high fashion trend updates visit the fashion section of
www.nymag.comAnd for styling examples and where to find some of the street styles you saw above; visit my fav site:
www.lookbook.nuEnjoy the goodies!
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