With the recent passing of the great M.J, I've been thinking...Where is all the real talent? Weither it be music, art, fashion, or otherwise. Lately I've been seeing and hearing alot of things that have really made me think about where our culture is headed. Now-a-days, you only get a record contract if you "have the look" or "know the right people", not about how much talent you have. It's sad that someone tells a girl that even though she can sing, she'll need to lose some pounds if she wants to be successful. We have rappers who aren't original anymore, videos that are the same over and over again. There's no creativity anymore. Just think of all the things and people and music we had to look up to when we were growing up...what from our time period do we have to pass down to our kids? Besides iphones and mp3 players... We may have literally, a handfull of artist that can become legends in their own right. But besides that we just have the constant cycle of one hit wonder after one hit wonder, dance craze after dance craze and wack trend after wack trend. The time is waaay over-due to start being original again. Where are our future Micheal Jacksons, RUN DMCs, Public Enemies, and Spike Lees? It's time to get our culture back so that ours kids can have something to bulild off of. It's time to be US...not THEM.
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